On 24th June every year, the world appreciates the crucial role that young doctors play in healthcare by celebrating World Young Doctors Day. Founded by the World Young Doctors Organization (WYDO) in 2013, it’s more than an international holiday. It serves as a platform for young doctors to connect better, share their experiences, and raise their voices about important issues in healthcare.
In this article, we’ll look at the importance of World Young Doctors’ Day and why it’s important to celebrate this event.
Significance of World Young Doctors’ Day
The medical field is constantly evolving, facing an ever-increasing demand for skilled professionals. Young doctors bring strong ideas and motivation to improve healthcare. They serve as the driving force for the advancements and innovations in healthcare. Hence Young Doctors’ Day is very significant in paying tribute to our heroes who are working for us tirelessly. Here are some reasons why it’s important to celebrate Young Doctors’ Day:
Time to recognize the efforts of young doctors. It’s a chance to acknowledge the significant contributions young doctors make to the healthcare system. This public recognition can boost morale and provide a sense of validation for their hard work and dedication.
Highlights the challenges of young doctors. This day can bring attention to the specific issues faced by young doctors, such as workload, limited training opportunities, and safety concerns. By shedding light on these problems, it can encourage discussions and solutions to improve their working environment.
Provides motivation and inspiration. Celebrating achievements and showcasing success stories of young doctors can inspire medical students and young doctors themselves. It can help them persevere through challenges and see the potential for a rewarding career path.
What’s The Theme for World Young Doctors Day 2024?
There isn’t a theme announced for the World Young Doctors Day yet. Each year, World Young Doctors Day focuses on a specific theme. Past themes have addressed working conditions for young doctors, healthcare reform, healthcare access, and climate change’s impact on health. The themes for the previous years focused on the following issues:
- 2013: Internet, social media and medicine.
- 2014: Working Conditions of Young Doctors
- 2015: Careers in Medicine
- 2016: Healthcare Reform
- 2017: Access to Healthcare
- 2018: Connecting Young Doctors
- 2019: Climate Change and Health
- 2020: Crush the curve, extinguish COVID-19
Young Doctors Association Pakistan at the Forefront of Healthcare
In Pakistan, we have an organization named the Young Doctors Association that works for young doctors’ rights and to improve healthcare in Pakistan. We had a brief and insightful talk with the Pattern in Chief of the Young Doctors Association, Dr Muhammad Omer Sultan, regarding the future of healthcare in Pakistan and the current challenges of the healthcare system and Pakistan.
What inspired you to pursue a career in medicine?
Since childhood, I had a deep desire to serve humanity, and this idea became concrete with my mother’s constant support and wish to see me in this field. My passion and her support helped me choose medicine as my career.

Young Doctors Association Pakistan
We established the Young Doctors Association in 2013 due to an incident that happened at that time. During our FCPS in internal medicine, some attendants argued because their patient expired in our ward. They attacked the young doctor who was treating the patients and pushed her, leading to a hand fracture.
It was disturbing for us that we were getting this in return for 30 hours of duty and providing extensive care to our patients. We didn’t feel safe that anyone could attack us anytime, regardless of the work we were doing for them. To protect young doctors’ rights and raise their concerns, we established YDA.
What are some of the main goals of the YDA? 
The main goal of YDA is to protect the rights of patients and young doctors, including pending salaries or increases in salary issues, post-graduation slots, promotions, emergency medicine for patients, life-saving equipment for patients, etc.
What are some of the unique challenges young doctors face in Pakistan?
The primary challenge young doctors face currently in Pakistan is that there are more doctors than available job slots. Another issue is that our doctors are underpaid and face security issues too. The working environment in the public sector is very politicized. Patients with a strong reference and demand protocol create a very disturbing scenario in our healthcare sectors.
What are the challenges you face from patients every day?
The patient load is very high. For example, JPMC and NICVD have an OPD of more than 10,000 and a very high number of inpatients. The solution for this is to increase the number of teaching hospitals to accommodate more patients and young doctors during house jobs and postgraduate studies.
What message would you like to give to the public about the importance of young doctors?
Young doctors are the backbone of Pakistan’s healthcare system. They ensure that they provide the best care to their patients, and no doctor wants their patients to die. I request everyone to please investigate the matter properly before blaming any doctor. They are serving you at a less competitive salary when compared to healthcare compensation around the world. Give young doctors respect and they only want this from you and they can even risk their own lives to serve you.
Does the YDA have any programs or initiatives encouraging young doctors to volunteer?
YDA has many welfare programs, and we encourage young doctors to participate. We motivate them to prefer their medical education and actively participate in welfare activities.
How Can We Participate on World Young Doctors’ Day?
Whether we’re healthcare professionals or simply someone who appreciates the dedication of young doctors, there are ways to participate in World Young Doctors Day. Here are a few ideas:
- Learn more about WYDO and its initiatives.
- Spread awareness on social media using #WorldYoungDoctorsDay.
- Express gratitude to a young doctor you know for their hard work.
- Support the policies that support young doctors and improve healthcare access.

About Dr. Muhammad Omer Sultan
Dr. Muhammad Omer Sultan graduated from Dow Medical College and subsequently completed his house job training at Civil Hospital, Karachi. He then pursued postgraduate training in FCPS Internal Medicine at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC). Currently, he serves as a consultant physician and Assistant Professor at JPMC.
Dr. Sultan is a founding member of the Young Doctors Association (YDA) Sindh, where he has previously held the position of Chairman. He now holds the title of Patron-in-Chief of YDA Sindh and serves as a central cabinet member of YDA Pakistan.
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