Do you know that every 10 out of 100 people diagnosed with Meningitis die? It’s a severe disease that can kill a person in 24 hours. Even if the person is saved, there are many dreadful consequences of this disease. The disease symptoms are like other viral diseases such as flu, malaria, or even COVID-19. Due to this, it’s often not diagnosed on time, increasing complications.
Word Meningitis Day is celebrated on 24 April every year to raise awareness about Meningitis. It aims to help more people understand how they should act when they feel the symptoms themselves or in their loved ones. Moreover, this disease can be treated with a vaccine, and World Meningitis Day spreads this crucial information to more people worldwide.
To know more about this disease and World Meningitis Day practices, read this article till the end.
It is a disease that results in the inflammation of the meninges. Meninges are the protective tissue layers around the brain and spinal cord. These layers separate the brain from the cranial nerves and the spinal cord from the vertebrae.
The inflammation of the meninges puts pressure on these organs. As a result, you feel symptoms of the disease. The common symptoms include fever, headache, and stiff neck, and can easily be confused with other viral disease symptoms. That’s why the diagnosis is complex, and the delayed diagnosis makes the condition terrible.
Several microbes can cause Meningitis, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Among these, the most common cause of Meningitis is bacteria. According to statistics, bacterial Meningitis is responsible for 170,000 deaths around the globe each year. The disease caused by viruses results in mild illness, and after-effects occur in those with weaker immune systems. But, in the case of bacterial Meningitis, cases of severe, moderate, and mild disability and other after-effects are commonly reported.
Bacteria that are the cause of the most meningitis cases include:
The scientific name for this bacterium is Neisseria Meningitidis. It primarily affects teenagers when there is an epidemic situation in closed communities such as schools or nursing homes.
Also known as Streptococcus pneumonia, and is the cause of most cases of Meningitis in babies. This bacterium is not only responsible for Meningitis but is also linked with pneumonia and many other respiratory conditions.
Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib):
After the successful and effective vaccine campaigns, meningitis cases, in children under two, due to this bacterium are not very common now.

Meningitis is a disease that can be prevented. For bacterial and viral Meningitis, effective vaccines are available to control the infectious disease. This disease is transferred from one person to another through air droplets or close contact with meningitis patients. So, a vaccine is a shield that protects you by strengthening your immune system in advance.
Vaccines for bacterial Meningitis include:
• Quadrivalent conjugate vaccine or MenACWY
• Serogroup B meningococcal or MenB vaccines
• PPV23
• Hib
Vaccines for viral Meningitis include:
• Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR)
• Chickenpox vaccines
These viral vaccines protect infants from viral Meningitis. There are no vaccines available to prevent or cure fungal Meningitis. The high rates of meningitis vaccination in a population protect the unvaccinated individuals as well. This phenomenon is known as ‘herd immunity.’ Unvaccinated people are a significant reason that this disease still affects many even there is a vaccination for prevention and cure. The presence of unimmunized people can lead to the mutation of the microbes into wild forms, which makes the meningitis vaccines ineffective.
World Health Organization (WHO) and Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) collaborate to raise awareness about this deadly disease. Every year, Meningitis Research Foundation shares a theme for World Meningitis Day. In the year 2021 theme is Take Action #DefeatMeningitis, and everyone can participate in this awareness campaign.
You can spread the information about this deadly disease in your surroundings. Moreover, you can take part in the pledge initiated by Meningitis Research Foundation. This initiative aims to prove Meningitis to a global problem to the world leaders. With more governments determined to stop the spread of Meningitis, the disease can be controlled and even eradicated from world populations in coming years.
World Health Organization has approved to defeat Meningitis by 2030 with practical strategies and awareness campaigns. You can be a part of this global campaign by showing support and spreading awareness about this devasting disease. Maybe you haven’t experienced Meningitis yourself, but now you know about this deadly disease and its consequences. With your little contribution, many lives can be saved. Take a few moments and sign up a pledge today at the Meningitis Research Foundation site to support the plan to defeat Meningitis by 2030.
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