Pakistani pilgrims are advised to take precautions against heat during Hajj

Pakistani Pilgrim During Hajj 24

As Pakistani pilgrims make preparations for the Hajj, the Pakistan Hajj Medical Mission (PHMM) has emphasized the need to prevent heatstroke in light of an anticipated intense heatwave. This notification indicates the recent heat advisory issued by the Saudi National Centre for Meteorology.

Preventive measures during Hajj

Brigadier Jamil Ahmed Lakhair, the Director of PHMM, advises pilgrims to use face masks and umbrellas, restrict their exposure to the sun, and consume ample amounts of water, particularly Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS). “Conserve your physical strength for the specific days of the Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Muzdalifah, Arafat, and during the act of Rami (stoning of devils) at Jamarat.” “Currently, these days are characterised by extreme difficulty and intense anxiety,” he clarified.

Identifying the Symptoms of Heatstroke.

Brigadier Jamil highlighted the symptoms of heatstroke, which encompass the absence of perspiration, elevated body temperature accompanied by parched and reddened skin, vomiting, queasiness, intense thirst, lightheadedness, and loss of consciousness. In order to reduce the impact of this issue, he recommends refraining from exposing oneself to high temperatures, maintaining proper hydration, taking cold showers, and promptly seeking medical attention if any symptoms manifest.

Anticipated Meteorological Conditions

According to the Saudi National Centre for Meteorology, temperatures during Hajj are expected to reach a maximum of 44 degrees Celsius (111 degrees Fahrenheit). The relative humidity is anticipated to be around 25% and there is unlikely to be any rainfall. The Hajj pilgrimage last year experienced around 2,000 cases of heat stress when the temperatures soared to 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit).

Preparation for PHMM

Under the leadership of Brigadier Jamil and a team of 400 individuals, the PHMM is well-equipped with a substantial stock of medications and is fully equipped to handle medical crises. “With the divine favor of Allah Almighty, I am certain that the PHMM possesses all the necessary resources, readiness, and expertise to effectively manage any medical emergency situation that may occur…” “I fervently hope that, in a manner that demonstrates great expertise,” he declared.
Since the commencement of the pre-Hajj flight operation on May 9, the team has been actively working at two hospitals and 11 dispensaries located in Makkah, Madinah, and Jeddah. Both hospitals possess advanced medical facilities, and each dispensary is manned by doctors, paramedics, and chemists around the clock.

Extensive healthcare services.

The PHMM offers a wide array of healthcare professionals, such as cardiologists, pulmonologists, psychologists, and various others. Hospitals are capable of conducting minor treatments, but, patients with more serious conditions are directed to hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Patients receive complimentary medical care in addition to a comprehensive range of 29 fundamental blood tests.
Providing assistance to a total of 160,000 Pakistani pilgrims.

This year, a total of 160,000 Pakistanis are expected to participate in the Hajj pilgrimage, utilising both government and private programmes. Brigadier Jamil, an experienced healthcare administrator and public health specialist, guarantees that the mission’s medical experts are readily available to assist pilgrims around the clock, every day of the week, with an ample supply of drugs.

In anticipation of the upcoming Hajj season, the PHMM is taking preemptive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of pilgrims, even in the face of adverse weather conditions.

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